
Aftermarket Solar Installations

By |2021-12-20T20:14:25+00:00September 1st, 2022|Energy Efficiency, New Home Designs|

A solar power installation is only as good as its design so it's important to work with a reputable company that has engineers on staff. A viability study is required to choose the right equipment for the needs of the property and available light. When doing an analysis, a solar engineer will look at typical

Working With Natural Light

By |2021-12-20T19:51:54+00:00February 1st, 2022|Energy Efficiency, Interior Design & Decor, Naturalistic Living|

In ancient times, light was the primary consideration of the architect and builder. The sun and it's position during the day prioritized the siting of the dwelling and it's openings. The more light, the more benefit to the occupant. Today, we understand that light is critical for good health and a humanistic living environment. Architecture

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