Do You Have A Construction Project We Can Help With?
Rustic Furniture
Did you know that ecological furnishings add more to a space than a place to sit? They are pieces of art that spring from nature to dwell exclusively in the homes of people. Naturalistic furniture pieces are objects of experience
Summer Activities For Kids
July seems like the longest month of summer holidays because it's between June and August. The excitement of summer holidays has worn off and it's still two whole months until September. The days are long with lots of time to
Picnic Essentials
Did you know that the word picnic is derived from the French word pique-nique, which is used to describe light meals taken outside. It was popularized during the French Revolution when the classes visited and mingled in parks and areas
Central Vacuums
A central vacuum cleaner is a system that is built into a new home to make cleaning easier and quieter. They feature ducts in the walls that carry dust and debris to a central power unit and collection canister, usually
Paint It A Lovely Green
The word green has the same Germanic root as the words for grass and grow. During the middle ages, it was associated with wealth and the gentry class of England. Today, we associate it with nature, spring, and optimism. It
The Owner-Builder Advantage
You may have visited a brand new home while shopping for real estate. They are the benchmark for home buyers everywhere. House-hunters will visit a show home and then compare everything else they see to that standard. The first thing