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Warmer Colours, Softer Palettes for 2020
Port Hardy home staging We all want a stylish home with the latest colours and features that buyers are expecting. Let me help with your Port Hardy home staging. Even if your home is not on the market, it's
Modular Construction Increases Housing Supply
Can modular construction solve the housing crisis? It depends on who you ask. Housing affordability is determined by price and price is a function of supply and demand. If new construction is constrained by factors such as regulation, mortgage rates,
Book Review: Becoming by Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama's book was awesome. This is an exerpt from the review from Amazon: In a life filled with meaning and accomplishment, Michelle Obama has emerged as one of the most iconic and compelling women of our era. As
Small Spaces Need Insulation
Often overlooked insulation projects with substantial savings Small spaces need insulation and are often missed or under-insulated. New products on the market make it easy and inexpensive to seal your home from drafts and air
Fall Yard Maintenance
The following fall yard maintenance tips are recommended by Roger Cook, the landscaping specialist on the show This Old House. Aerate the lawn Pooling water during the winter can harm the root systems of some lawns. It's a good
Benchmark Price & Market Conditions for June 2019
The Vancouver Island real estate market This video is produced by the Vancouver Island Real Estate board. Sales on Vancouver Island are down while inventory is up. Present market conditions are described as balanced. For more information about the